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My life is so messed up. I love a guy who doesn’t love me back. I have a friend who hates and i am roommate with that friend. My boyfriend never counts me in his special persons list. I always ask a question why everyone take me so granted, why iam always a option or whom can be easily be thrown? What wrong did i do? Am I such a wrong person? Why i suffer everytime i start to get close to someone. why iam so easy to unlove? Is it the looks or my personality or the way i behave? Why me always left behind with pain and tears…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @isur
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ileen
Profile picture for Now&Me member @m_s
7 replies

Don’t stay at where u don’t get respect… 💫


But he doesn’t disrespect me. He respects me a lot. But he doesn’t love me back. He wants to be my friend forever but how is this even possible that we can be friends with someone whom we loved once upon a time. See i understand we both need to move on. He will start dating someone but my sad ass will take forever to move on from him and start to see someone else. And that mean time while he is dating someone i will cry to death😭😭


I mean your roommate 🤷

s @phebeeee

It’s okey just stay away from them nd find your people

Profile picture for Now&Me member @isur

surbhi Rajput @isur

Thinking positive about yourself is all you need start with. I know it can be hard under so many things going wrong in your life. But you attract where you put your energy to. So staying positive will attract positivity in your life. Think about everyone’s valuing you and you’ll see things changing cause changes begins within😘

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ileen

Ileen @ileen

It’s ur mistake expecting love care happiness from other first learn how to be ur self just be ur self ignore all of them only show attention for ur self only then everybody comes to you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @m_s

Muskaan Sheikh @m_s

I can understand what you are going through, but believe me when I say it will get better. I know we cant expect a sudden change right now but it is coming. Let’s fall back a little and see where all the red flags are. If they don’t respect you or your efforts, they are best left behind. It is a painful process but it is the beginning to something beautiful. You are wayyy more stronger than you think. We all support you. Take care of yourself. love, M.


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