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My life biggest problem is, my friends Dont long last I am 31 year old but I Dont have any friends. I try to make friends but after few month they lost touch with me. I try to connect with them how times I put my self respect and beg for please be with me . I am extremely emotional and sensitive person I always dream about everyone will leave me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @themonk
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Its okay. Sometimes people will leave. Connecting with friends requires efforts, time and lot of luck. Dont worry.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @themonk

Deep @themonk

Whoever you are, if you need a friend. Just connect 😊


But what if I have put my efforts for 2 years still they leave me.

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Thank you 🙂 but it still hurts to think about when I will be sick or leave this universe no one will come to see me. Just a bigger picture. It is hard to walk alone in the evening it is hard to not have any single friend. Why it is happening to me why other people have people to talk to but I don’t .

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