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My kids dad passed away any ideas on how to cope with my feeling

4 replies

Its okay to cry, dont hold back any thing. Whatever your feeling let it out,… Tho I’ve never gone through that, but I’ve seen ppl, so, relax let it all out,…


He passed in 2018


You have survived two years without him. All you can do is take baby steps everyday. It will take time to move on, and honestly no one knows how long. Everyone’s grieving period is different. Remember - The ones who love us never really leave us, you can always find them in your heart. Your husband might not be there physically with you, but he is in your heart, in your kids. And you are not alone, you have your kids, your parents and your friends.

Cry how much ever you want, and then pick yourself up and live the day. Live it for your loved ones. Repeat this everyday, and one day it will be less difficult to get out of the bed.

Take care πŸ₯°


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