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my husband isnt abusive or anything but sometimes he gets very mean without provocation. It’s very tiring to deal with. He also often talks to me like im stupid…i also have my faults obviously and most of the time hes a great person but everyday i wonder if i actually made the right call by marrying him…we were in a situation in which id have felt guilty if i didn’t marry him and i wonder if i wouldve actually gone through with the marriage if we weren’t in that situation…i feel a little trapped

6 replies

41 @maou

Communicate this to him! If he doesn’t know what impact his random mean behavior has on you then well things will escalate in future and no good will come from that and you guys will only hurt yourself by nit being honest about the relationship, about the right call, see you cannot undo your decisions you made in the past , the person and the situation you were in were justified, don’t feel guilty or badd about thinking these things just talk to him.


Give it some time…try to talk with him and tell him how you feel. Work on things together. You both have to make an effort for the relationship to be happy. Hopefully everything will get better.


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