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My husband does everything for me except for supporting me when someone from his family or friend circle humiliates troubles or does injustice to me he just stands numb and watches it and later on says I am sorry I made mistake it won’t happen again but it happens again and again and again he feels I should tolerate everything quietly sit in one corner just cry and get over it. His family lives no chance to do such things to me cos they have understood our son cannot open his mouth infront of us also he is emotionally unavailable for me most of the time. What should I do all our friends already have 1 or 2 kids but I am still trying to figure weather I should stay in this relationship or no. Our is love marriage I am punjabi he is marwari so I also go through cultural shock most of the time. Would greatly appreciate if someone could advise me on this genuinely.

1 reply

Hey, if he does this he clearly does not care about you.If he loves you, he should stand up for you. You can try and consult a marriage counsellor.


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