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My husband and I are moving to Canada. it was a hasty decision and now everythingโ€™s moving so fast that I am not able to comprehend it. We donโ€™t have anybody there and all my family is here. I recently got married so I was already having a tough time trying to adjust with the new family and new house and everything and this just happened and I feel numb. I donโ€™t know how itโ€™s going to be there and how I will be able to cope up

3 replies

Kashika @kashika


Iโ€™m so sad sweetie, but understand, every situation is bound to teach us something. Sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zones and see what works out for us, no matter how difficult that is. Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ll do good! Youโ€™re strong and you must know that :))

Mabel @mabel


Hey, im really sorry about how youโ€™ve been feeling. Every new change especially if theyโ€™re almost unexpected takes time to adjust to. Going to Canada ckyd make your life better. Try to think of the bigger picture. We all have to move on and forward in our personal lives. But during this time, let your husband know anything and everything that bothers you. Everything happens for oneโ€™s own good. Itโ€™ll all work out. Lots of love and positivity ??


Hello, i hope you are feeling a little better by the time you read this. i have been moving my whole life, in every three years we would pack our bags and leave, we left friends behind and I did not realise the point of it all, I used to be really angry with my father because it was because of his job that we had to keep moving, he sat me down one day, took my hands into his and said, โ€œI know it is difficult for you, trust me it is tough for me too but we cannot be angry at what is bound to happen, try to look at it as if you have collected new things and have memories to look back to.โ€ at that point i did not know what that meant but now I do, so I just want to tell you that it may seem really daunting and sad to leave a place you are comfortable at but sometimes the decisions we hesitate to take are the ones that turn out to be the best. the pain of leaving family and friends will always be there but then the place you are moving to might just give you more of them, just have faith in that decision and go for it. it may take time but you will be able to see things clearly once you have settled and have found people


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