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My home life has been totally stressful. Since I was 8. But im 18, its still bad. Its mainly just my mother. She is so toxic because she doesn’t apologize for anything, thinks she’s always right, is super unsupportive, she’s rude, she talks shit to me all the time, she doesn’t help me do anything plus she is super strict. I get overwhelmed sometimes, she will treat me like crap for no reason, make me cry, and never apologize, never leave me alone. She doesnt do anything for me except make me 1 meal a day, I have to cook everything else. Im just tired, I have no car, no way of leaving this stupid house. She took my phone too… Im 18 and Im going to college soon, I am tired of being treated like a child, can anyone relate? or do yall have advice on how to handle this?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thatkid
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @thatkid

Yeah I can relate - my whole life I’ve had controlling parents. When I was a kid I didn’t understand until I got older - now that I am older I just tune her out, you’re leaving soon. Soon enough this will be behind you. I just have to look at the positives of life like me leaving once I turn 18 - it’s hard but sometimes it’s all you have to think about to pull yourself out of shitty thinking. If that makes sense.


Well, I’m 25 now and I have been having tough relationships with my mother. After all I don’t even want to relate to this person. My father eventually divorced her and I feel kinda happy for him. But it still gets me that this woman will always stay my relative. From the description her attitude seems similar. I know she’s probably just a person who doesn’t admit having deep psychological problems but I’m also tired of dealing with her. She’s totally disrespectful to all the people, always treats me as her personal slave and like I am 5 y.o. And I just don’t get it, she doesn’t understand that people are not her property, she usually offends other people and says she never made a single mistake in her life. And she doesn’t know me as a person at all. Because she never actually listens to what I say, I stopped talking to her when I was in high school. I talk to her as to a stranger and it seems enough for her. I had to come back to my parents house (she only lives here alone after the divorce) and I stuck here for a while. What’s worse is that it affects you. And I’m so sick of that toxicity. She really doesn’t like me (and I never was able to understand that. People like me in general, so I guess it’s her problems.). She is getting old and now thinks that I’m willing to take care of her. Sure. I wish she was seen by a professional psychiatrist, but she doesn’t admit her problems.
Being on your place, I would just let it go, and move out from her as soon as possible. Maybe it is just early for you for now. But don’t let it get under your skin.
I don’t think anything will change. She’s a grown woman and it’s not likely for her to change the attitude, but it will affect you badly.
I have been living out without that woman in my life for quite a while, now that I’m back I’m already looking for opportunities to find a new place to live (covid made corrections) and I don’t want to be related to that person anymore, emotional and psychological health is way more important than trying to help someone who will never treat you as a descent human-being.


Im sorry you cant have a nice relationship with your mother, but thanks for all the supporting words <3


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