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My grandmother tends to forget everything - she forgets what town she’s been in when she travels with my granddad, she forgets her cats’ names, things about me, her son’s belongings etc. She used to cook but doesn’t anymore, either because she don’t want to or don’t know how, but I can’t tell the difference. She only makes fried semi-products. And she even doesn’t eat them, she eats very little.
I can’t convince her to go to the doctor or do some brain exercises together. She thinks she’s allright but I see she just doesn’t admit it and she’s aware.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aman_45
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @aman_45

aman @aman_45

Maybe she is aware of it maybe try to neglect it and she don’t want to like parents say ke kuch nai howa ha muje I’m absolutely fine but they are not so you should talk with her to understand this thing better and maybe try to convince her that she we should go to doctor


I tried to talk to her, she just says there’s nothing wrong with her and even gets mad if anyone brings up this topic

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aman_45

aman @aman_45

I knew she gonna tell something like that so here there is a thing that you are your family member have to find a way to take her to the doctor maybe for general checkup like thing and then once she is reached hospital then it’s your game

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Maybe I could do.that. But old people are so stubborn, she doesn’t even to checkups.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aman_45

aman @aman_45

This is more complicated than I thought the only way is make her understand and talk it’s gonna be way difficult not easy as I’m saying but it’s maybe the only way


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