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my girlfriend wants to break up and she’s the one thing that i want.
she’s my everything and she wants to leave.
some stuff happened in her personal life (not related to me) and she wanted to take a break from us to sort herself out.
she came back hinting multiple times she wants to be just friends.
i put my everything into her, and now whenever i try to mention us, she gets angry at me.
we were so close, i didn’t think anything could pull us apart - i don’t know how she could just lose feelings like that.
the only thing i want in the whole world doesn’t want me.
i don’t know what to do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @4422
6 replies

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Maybe try give her the space she’s asking for. It doesn’t mean that she has no feelings left for you. When the things will be okay for her then she’ll come around.


i gave her a whole months worth of space.
during that month apparently needed to get out of her house, hence why she slept over at a guy friend’s house, in his room twice i think.
this guy friend has actively said he liked her and was waiting for us to break up so he can shoot his shot.
she promised me she doesn’t like him though so i don’t know wtf i’m supposed to do.

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Ohh I’m sorry didn’t know something like that happened. Honestly i don’t know what to say now. Maybe it will be better if you move on now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @4422

Candace @4422

I feel you dude,cause even I’m going through something like that . The only thing I can say is ‘if it’s meant to be it will be if not let it go’ .I knew it really difficult to do that ,I know I’m trying to let go.


focus on your career, she will come back to you if she is the right one.


bro not everyone in the world is doing so! for some people everything stops! then it doesn’t matter if it is career or life! at that point a person should understand this difference that he/she is individual soul and living in the world full of people with there own individual lives. relying on someone so much can make you lost your own life! you should understand human nature! explore more on this! i have said it so but in really short sentence. understand first!


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