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My girlfriend just comes …scolds and leaves …she plays the victim card always and says words without even thinking once about my feelings …i know she has had a lot of stress in her college and from her parents as well as friends … She gets anxiety attacks too but is it fine is she just takes all her anger &stress on me ?? I get really very upset

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rising_phoenix
Profile picture for Now&Me member @goku_vrao
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @rising_phoenix

It’s not fine . Sooner or later you’ll realise it’s not fine. You need to correct this behaviour, take a stand for yourself and make a decision.


What should I do then exactly …leave her and let her be alone with all the situations she is coping with ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @goku_vrao

Goku V Rao @goku_vrao

Dude you’re her emotional support system, she rants because she likes you. That doesn’t mean she can go overboard with it. Anything repetitive is bad, once in a while is fine. My advice communicate on how you feel about this, talk it out!!


+1 to your comment.

I’ve been that girlfriend in the past. You need to be very patient but if it’s ruining your mental peace or your relationship then you must communicate about how it affects you or the relationship. Also if it’s too extreme and you care about her, be with her, be more patient along with suggesting her to see a therapist. Be around while she’s seeking help. People usually are hurting a lot from within when act that way.
I’d personally hate being rude or shouting at my bf then while I was angry or frustrated. It was completely not called for and it felt like I’m taking his nice behaviour for granted… and with anxiety it could feel helpless and sad to not being able to control. Sometimes the fear of him not being around cause of my behaviour would make me anxious. So just be more empathetic and patient. Ask her to seek professional help and provide assurance or comfort if needed.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @goku_vrao

Goku V Rao @goku_vrao

I completely agree on the above!! Hoping everything goes back to normal for you bud!!


Escape bro … life is short


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