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My girlfriend broke up with me tonight. She said that we can talk about getting back together in the future, but right now it feels so crushing. I can’t sleep and I don’t know how to deal with being just friends with her. We had been dating for over a year so I feel very heartbroken. I just need someone to talk to or an outside perspective.

6 replies

Doesn't matter @mini_3

See so I first of all understand how u feel because a relationship is always something serious and a huge commitment and needs a lot of emotional attachment . Also , I understand where your girl is coming from . Maybe she has been going through something that she couldn’t talk about or she might have felt really suffocated in the relationship. That doesn’t mean you were bad , it just means that u need to first give her time , let her take her space and wait for her to come back to you . In a relationship a person has the right to leave , but they should be the ones to come back .You just need to trust that she will, because she is your girl man ! Stay strong , self reflect and see from the other side perspective of the relationship. Like try to understand where she is coming from . I bet you will figure a way out of this pickle . ✨❤️


Thank you I needed this


I appreciate it so much you’re awesome

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Thanks, I’ll try to do that


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