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3am ThoughtsThought


My girlfriend broke up with me even after I was trying to hold her back and now she wants to keep remains as friends so what should I do now???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @numanisbhat
Profile picture for Now&Me member @akabhi
10 replies
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But I still love her

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @numanisbhat

numan @numanisbhat

See keep her but you have to move on ? Hojayega?


Wo nahi ho pata kabhi

Profile picture for Now&Me member @numanisbhat

numan @numanisbhat

Everything is possible its all mind game


She’s red flag move on bruh. Let her be in her world. You can’t unlove her. You can’t stay friends with a person you love. In few days Or month she will be committed again and you will be the only one getting hurt.


Don’t ever do that buddy, things will become worse. You will feel you still have a chance and if she finds someone else you have to bear all that pain. Better bear that pain now and get over her

Profile picture for Now&Me member @akabhi

Abhijeet A.K @akabhi

Bro keep in mind don’t be friends with the ex… Never ever do that bcoz one of you will be in pain and get hurt in future so it’s better to be apart completely… Don’t keep even contacts… I know it hurts in the starting but time will heal you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @akabhi

Abhijeet A.K @akabhi

After a breakup if they keep friends means sometime it’s like a backup so it’s not good and ur feeling towards her will never change nor her so leave her completely or tell to make decide


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