I I’ll help you
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
I just all of a sudden felt uncomfortable about my small breasts and I can’t think of myself as a boy anymore.
Ace @acethedyke
Aw man been there done that
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
I feel physically uncomfortable with my small breasts.
Ace @acethedyke
What do you identify as?
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
Preferably female
Ace @acethedyke
Are you AFAB?
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
What makes you think that? And no, I’m AMAB.
Ace @acethedyke
Oh I’m sorry…So you are trans…right?..correct me if I’m wrong
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
I’m a pre-op MTF.
Ace @acethedyke
That’s so cool…Ok so you were talking about having small breasts so if ur born a male u have small boobs so…just fyi…I’m a nonbianry female so I’m sorry if this is not good advice…i normally use a binder cuz of my boobs…But for a person with male chest i would say to use a bra and stuff things inside to make it fluffy and then you can feel more like a woman…just until you get your top surg…
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
Stuff like what?
Ace @acethedyke
Socks maybe? But don’t make it look like it socks.
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
How would socks work?
Ace @acethedyke
Bc they make it look bigger…or you can use a huge fruit…(im sorry if my advice is not so good)
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
Wouldn’t fruit be to hard?
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
As in solid.
Ace @acethedyke
Well yes…Hmmm…I can only think of socks and other small clothing.
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
How would I keep the sock from falling?
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
And where would I even get a bra?
Ace @acethedyke
Well the bra will stand it up…I mean how does the boob not fall…the bra stands it up
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
You there Ace?
Ace @acethedyke
Ace @acethedyke
My post didn’t go through hold on
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
Ah, same here. Had another question.
Ace @acethedyke
Post it without ur username
How would I get a bra?
Natalie_UK🏳️⚧... @cant
Didn’t work
Ace @acethedyke
i sent u a request