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My friend ended her 5 and half years relationship last 3 month ago.
They have problem so called besties in their life. Her boyfriend have a girl bestie which my friend hate and they used fight because of the friendship. Her Boyfriend is toxic and always break up and patch up with in this 5 years many times. This year earlier my friend met one guy they became friend, and her boyfriend doesn’t like they relationship but my friend claim they are just friends and work colleagues. Around April my friend and her boyfriend decide to break up. Since they can’t give up on their besties friendship.
My question is:
Now My friend in relationship with the boy she claim as friend and colleague . And her ex boyfriend is still single. His friend is still his friends Whose is wrong and right here ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife
Profile picture for Now&Me member @true_who
8 replies

Both are wrong here, when your in a relationship having a best friend of the opposite gender and being close will definitely cause problem in the relationship from one side or the other, its ok to have friends from opposite gender but not close friends or best friends…when you are in a relationship your gf/bf should be the priority not the best friend…otherwise the relationship will never work…


My friend just took 3 month to get in relationship? Is it will be good decision? The reason she tell me his bestie know her past ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @true_who

Mayank @true_who

We can’t judge abt them anything… all i know is getting into relationship to overcome past one is not good…like it can affect her partner


No its not a good one, especially after a breakup you need time to heal yourself before getting into new relationships, if you hurry into rebound relationships they might not work, but better not interfere if you do maybe it will cause problems in your friendship…just be there for her as a friend…


I’m not judge her, I just worried she just this relationship just heal herself and get hurt later

Profile picture for Now&Me member @true_who

Mayank @true_who

U r correct at ur place…maybe try hving a convo with her regarding this… Coz until she get herself heal from past one, she’ll compare both ones nd end up being hurt nd then won’t be able to compensate later

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife

Don’t get me wrong but sometimes girls can go to any extent to prove someone wrong. Your friend was the one who always doubted him, and later she just made him realise that he made a mistake. She can be possesive but it’s wrong to doubt a friend atleast until you catch them red handed


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