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My fiance is a very jolly person… He’s funny, kind and caring a lot too… But when it comes to me… All he gets is nervous to talk to, thinks a lot, very sensitive and says he’s not feeling normal now…
I don’t know what to do… I have tried to win his trust on me and I see him talking very happily with others but when it comes to me he becomes conscious. It’s very less time that I have known him…

2 replies

As per know what I heard is we get nervous when we talk with someone we love / like …so it happens give him some time to know you …every thing will be alright…


You should prolly talk to him about this. Tell him its okay. This could prolly bring change. I had experienced similar issue like thaay of your fiance …i was nervous to talk to my crush…after which she noticed it and told be to be more friendly than formal way…everything changed!! Trust me talk to him.!


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