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Bulimia NervosaThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

My father was planning a trip for 5-6 days today and all I could think about was how am I going to eat and where am I going to purge. What if they found out? We were packing and I had to see what all fit me, now I have lost some weight and honestly it’s visible, but it’s not enough. my mom was so disappointed that I was not fitting into my clothes much like at my higher weight when they didn’t fit but because they had gotten tighter. She asked me if I was taking any pills, I know they are onto me but I don’t wanna stop because it’s better then how I was. That fat girl in me scares me. I like the feeling of hunger, my visible ribs and the compliments. It’s just make it seem worth it even though I know it’s wrong, know what I mean? And I feel like once I reach my target weight I’ll stop.

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I hope so I’m just scared because I know as soon as I’m back the first thing I’ll do is check my weight and that scares me

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