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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Naseeha Jamal @haseena

My father is showing violence behaiviores in the house. Getting up in the morning to have a fight with mom and then kicking her infront of my siblings. What should i do? It is a trauma for me when my father beats up my mother… He is the eldest in the family so nobody above him…its been days since he have started targetting me because i say what i feel when i feel but no violence towards me .just passive aggressive

4 replies

I grew up in a house hold like that and honestly it never got better. Until your mom is ready to leave him nothing will change just DCF will get involved. Your mother needs to break the cycle none of this should be on you whatever you decide to do just know your mom is clearly brainwashed and this whole situation might backfire on you. Even if they arrest your dad I am sure he will be back. Tell your mom how you feel that should wake her up.

Naseeha Jamal @haseena

Divorce is out of the picture for her … She claims that she is staying in this relationship because of my 2 younger siblings.

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It never gets better. I am in my 30s and my parents are still together. Sometimes I see bruises on my mom she says she feel but that’s what she would tell everyone when we were younger and call us liars because we would tell people the truth until my dad started abusing us. The abuse cycle is terrible.


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