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My eyes are so dark, from few days I couldn’t able to sleept till 3am, yesterday it was more than that…i was awake till 4:30am, doing nothing but just staring at my phone. I need to stop this, there was a time where even if I use my phone I use to get sleep, but now this phone screen has become like a drung that keeps me awake. I decided from today I will try hard to sleep early and keep my phone away. I literally need to stop it now, its hight time, I was good before but now am not healthy at all…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @darkstar
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @darkstar

It happens. Nothing to worry. It’s due to like it’s a lockdown time and our body doesn’t get tired throughout the day as it is trained for much more heavy duties right from the start. So it’s not tired and so you don’t feel sleepy. You can try listening to music that will compel you to sleep. Like I find this option better than medicines.


Yes, thank you so much.


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