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My exam is in one month and I don’t know why I did that. I feel angry at myself for doing this.
I downloaded an astrology app and asked the person whether I would be able to clear it or not. The astrologer said NO.
I know that I should have not done that but I was just curious. It was a stupid decision and now the answer is making me have negative thoughts. I know that at this point of time I should have been studying instead of doing this. Already it was a stressful situation for me. And now I’ve made it more stressful for myself. I’m telling myself to focus and just give my best irrespective of what results will be. But this message of the astrologer keeps on bugging me. How do I let it go ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @quiet_star_3
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Astrology predictions can go wrong as interpreteation could be incorrect sometimes. Its best you focus on your studies and give ur best shot. If you still feel that astrology prediction is making u negative, then speak 2-3 more. May be 1 of them will give u positive outcome. It’s best you take control of ur fate. Let astrology be guide but not as a fortune teller.


I did this but even the other one told me it’s 60-40 chances.
Now, the thing is I don’t usually do this, and it’s my peak time. I was stressed already with my studies. I’m telling myself to just study and give my 100% even if I don’t get in. At least I’ll learn something better out of it. But these negative thoughts are bugging me like a hammer whenever I’m trying to focus.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Park those negative thoughts. And study properly. Sometimes being neagtive is okay…just take it as a thought rather than reality. Good luck


Thank you so much 🙏💛

Profile picture for Now&Me member @quiet_star_3

Astrologer know you are doing stupid thing instead of preparing exam so he assumed that thing. If you really did hard work and doing best on your studies now. Then I think you should forget what the astrologer said. You have enough one month time to prove it. Don’t feel yourself wrong…and start focus on your studies… I know during study time you will feel anger on not solving question again and again. But you must keep try and try…at last I will say to you is that pick the book and start your one month journey like a soldier.


You’re right!
I should give it my best shot.💛


Do you no thing that Soldier का एक नियम होता है की लड़ाई का कुछ भी रिजल्ट निकले उसे इस बात की खुशी हमेशा रहती है की उसने अपना बेस्ट दिया भले ही समय काम बचा हो।
Then stop scrolling your phone start scrolling your book.
And follow the rule try and try on questions. And start managing your time. In solving questions some will be very difficult then try to solve them only 2-3 times then mark them. at the end of day fix a time for them to take help of freinds,teachers, anyone who can solve these type of questions daily meditate only 5 minutes.
Forget the thing what the astrologer said.


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