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My ex boyfriend threatens me that he will make my life a nightmare. What should i do? Please save me. Help me please.

8 replies

Please tell about this to someone in ur family or friends whom you can trust n confide in…
Best would be to share with someone in family…
Dear friend in this matter someone who knows you personally can help you…
Also pls try to stay calm n strong…
It is inevitable to get scared
Let not your fear be exhibited…
Because if u will show u are getting scared
He will scare you more…
Just try showing him you arenot alone
You have support n he can do no harm to you.


Thank you so much. That means a lot to me


hey I am so sorry that you have to deal with such a ex boyfriend. I would personally not tell you to pay too much attention to his threats and get anxious. Start to ignore him and not let it affect you. BUT inform your friends, his friends, your parents and his parents if you have his contact. IF it starts to get serious and the nature of his threats get severe, talk to the police.

Also do not go into the guilt mode of why you went into a relationship with him and do not agree to his demands. You are doing the right thing to end your relationship with a person that thinks this way!


Thank you so much. Got some positivity from your words🤩


No problem, I am glad you felt that way! Take care and always feel free to share how you are feeling?


OK, this is going to sound blunt and maybe rude and I’m sorry about that, I just want to protect you. This will also sound very paranoid, but again, I want to help and this is the only ways I know how.

1) does he have anything he’s blackmailing you with? This is very important. Depending on where you are, blackmail is illegal. So go to the police for that.
2) If your boss is nice tell them what’s going on, this way if he tries to ruin your job you might stand a chance.
3) Tell your friends and family, staying quiet is how he will win. They’ll be your support system and if not I’m right here. Take deep breaths.
4) Stay with a friend or family member whose location he doesn’t know, and take your important and special things with you.
5) If he hurts you, go to the police. Break up with him, no matter what he tries. Take classes on self defense, and if you can’t I can give you a few tips.
6) Stay safe, and most important of all, stay who you are. Do not let him break you, you are made of stars, you breath air that fuels fires and you are stronger than you will ever know. We’re all here for you.

Sorry this is so long and might seem scary. But be brave and be careful. Good luck mate :)


Thank you so much. Your words brought me so hopes and energy to handle that cruel guy. And really great that you took time to advice me on this issue. Thanks a lot


You’re more than welcome. You deserve the best <3 keep going mate, you’re doing great :)


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