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My Ex Boyfriend has just started working at a prestigious Company. I wake him him up every morning because he is not in habit of getting up early all by himself. Earlier he used to pick up my calls and get up . but gradually he stopped picking my calls, so i told himm i dont wanto calll and wake you up. on saying this he requested not to stop calling him. I followed.
Everyday i am after him even after breakup for the namesake of friendship which remains ( For me i cannot be friends, i still have feelings).
Today, one of his close friends called and spoke about a lot of things but it was that one particular thing that still remains in my head.
She said, i am sorry but i never thought you guys will end up in a marriage. You both didnt seem to be together.
And i felt like a retard, useless , looser and what not.
In my mind i actually liked him, i strted looking out for future when he said its a breakup. I am still taking care of him because its his first time staying outside.

but now i am emotionally exhausted. Everyday i am fighting with myself that why am i doing so much for him when doesn’t even care to ask how am i doing. Or, what you did since morning. Or how is your health.
I close my eyes and see people laughing at me and saying we told you this relationship wont last forever

Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorsmile
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kumkum
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ehsaas
12 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorsmile

Sagarika @doctorsmile

You are doing this out of love and affect. But unfortunately he doesn’t value it. You deserve better. Don’t exhaust yourself. Don’t waste your emotions. You might have feelings for him , but you need to move on . It will hurt for a day/week/month… but you will heal and you’ll be stronger. 🌸
Shower your love on people who deserve it. ❤️


You are so right. I really need to open my eyes and realise things in practical sense. I am afraid how long it will take , but eventually when its over. it will be over once and for all.
Thankyou for reading and helpful reply.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorsmile

Sagarika @doctorsmile

It will take time but you’ll get over it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kumkum

Puh.tato @kumkum

Listen what has happened has happened. You need to move on and focus on yourself. If it’s mentally exhausting you, then please stop doing it or it can take a mental toll on you. These are the small things that we sometimes ignore but can affect us a lot. You need to tell him that you can’t. This is not being selfish, this is you doing things for yourself.
I hope you get the clear idea.


I know i cant now. It is mentally draining me. I will gain some courage and will finally tell him this. Orelse, ill just walk off without saying anything…

Sumit @itachi123

You are a queen with such a pure and beautiful heart. You deserve to be loved and treated rightly. This selfless and unconditional love that you carry inside will be rewarded one day. You are a good and an amazing person.


Yours was the sweetest reply that literally made me smile while reading. You know ? The kind of self talk i do isnt polite at all. But somewhere deep down when you hear good things about yourself you magically feel good.
Thanks itachi. :)


I might be harsh but please listen…
Uh are helping him by making wakeup calls bcz uh have feelings for him. As he did the breakup, uh didn’t accept that fact completely… as in some ways uh are still in touch with him which helps ur mind/body/heart a relief but in reality uh are helping him bcz uh are unable to face the pain on breakup.
Girl uh knw tge complete reality, uh have written it urself, uh just need to make it to the reality and be free from such toxic relation.
Just dont call him and see will he call uh back n ask how are uh instead of saying why are uh not waking me up.
If he even calls uh please be clear that uh cant do this more… uh are not a babysitter for a boy.
Take care of urself and text me if uh wanna talk.


You are right.
I am seeing the reality and yet not accepting it. which is why the pain.
He took a decision and i have to follow. Now its high time that i take a decision for myself.
You know? he was not only a bf to me , he was a friend and a partner too. we used to read newspaper together, study stuffs together, discuss stock market for next day. Everything was so nice and dreamy. But suddenly he took a decision, joined his company.
Since most of the things i used to do were associated with him now i dont have anyone to discuss to.
Thats why i was still clinging on to him . But now where i dont see any hope, i want to move on too…

Though not easy for me. But eventually i will


Girl i relate a bit thats why i said so… i was in a 6 years relationship all planned up for marriage and once the guy family sad no… he distanced me… he didn’t even fight for us… where we use to plan our future together… ik took a sec for him to leave me…
People take the decision but when we are hurted its tough for us in all ways…
I know its tough bcz i too lost a person who was everything but with time i am learning to live…
Be strong…
I am there for uh alwalys.
Lots of love

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ehsaas

the answer lies in your first line… he is an ex. An ex for a reason. will drag us till they can as per their comfort but they are too irresponsible to stay or to leave. Being friends with your ex is the worst thing cuz one day he might just be with someone else and then it will hurt you more. Right now he is not finding anyone to fill that void and that’s why you. So you go ahead and take a step and stop talking to him… work on yourself. Sit with your grief. Evolve out of it and be an amazing person that you are and who truly deserves you will come along at the right time. Love and light to you my friend.

Bees_knees @nichol

These little actions don’t seem to mean a lot… but deep within you are trapping yourself and not letting go off his energy… from your life…
Stop it!


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