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3am ThoughtsThought


my ex and i broke up 3 years ago … i haven’t been in a real relationship since (by choice) but he immediately started dating someone while we were at the end of our relationship and now they’re happily engaged with 2 kids.
safe to say i was completely over him but then i found a video of us singing in my car and sharing cute kisses and i swear my heart stopped.
is it possible to ever 100% be over your first love? even if they destroyed who you were?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @keshav_
7 replies
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It takes different time for everyone to move on
But eventually you will

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Alice @safe_rain

Sometimes it’s not the person , it’s memories we can move on from ! When Those flashbacks hits it take all of it from us

Profile picture for Now&Me member @keshav_

Keshav Sharma @keshav_

I have gone through this. It’s going to be very hard Many people will not understand you and say forget that person and move on. But saying and doing is totally a very different things. Give yourself tym talk to anyone who listen you without a fear of being judged.


What’s gone was never meant for you. It’s simply the God’s way of giving you signals that there is something great waiting at the other side of your vision. And if you talk about those moments and memories, it’s a part of your history now and it will always stay with you. Just embrace it and have a vision greater than you have been surrounded by.


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