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3am ThoughtsThought


my ex added me on social media and i accepted the request but he hasn’t texted or anything should I ask him why he added me? Or leave it?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost
9 replies

Leave it that will be queen move


Better not to ask. Now that they are your ex, they’ll think you still care about them and all if you ask them.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

Shouldnt have ideally accept the req… but dont ask


Actually its fine! U accepting the req seems like u have moved on n does care about it anynore! So dont text him until he msgs u!




Leave it… He is just checking if u still need him or not!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost

Deleted @anxius_mizlost

He might be baiting you. So you start talking to him and leaving you feeling confused.
Maybe you should just unfriend and block him it’ll be good for your mental health and he is an ex right? You have the right to move on and not play these games. If a person can’t be clear, it’s not your job to assume, guess their intentions or teach them to be clear. If they can’t, their loss then. It’s not your loss my friend. Believe me, I’ve spent 13 years of my life doing this for people out of the good of my heart, wait on them, go out of my way even when I’m getting nothing, kept watering dead relationships and people who only wanted to play and think life is a game and nothing more or they’ll have some other excuse or reason. So don’t do this to yourself please, don’t be like me. Don’t be your own demise, don’t let them do this to you , get them out of your head.
Give yourself more love than you gave them, respect yourself more than them, please and respect your feelings and shut this shit out. I know it’s easier said than done, but there is no reason to take anyone’s mixed signals or be in your head about them please, don’t expend so much of your space in your brain for such a human


Block him…focus on your mental health


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