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my dreams are fucking stupid, they take me to a fake place and fill my head with fake memories and they remind me of what you don’t have and they emphasize my problems, and after last night i don’t want to sleep, and i don’t want to wake up because i’ve been having this same dream where someone who asked me out wants to get back together but i know it never really happened, soo now i’m jut really really sad

Profile picture for Now&Me member @boybye
3 replies

Deep breathing, going to bed with some soulful music and a nostalgic ride back to your childhood memories can help my friend.


recently I’ve also been getting sick and tired of dreams they give you false hope and make you feel like you will actually get what you want. but nowadays I just take dreams as a way to experience the life i wish i had. the one place i can truly be happy. if reality isn’t always the best at least dreams can be.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @boybye

boybye @boybye

you dream of things that you have expectations for in this case. all the things you see, you want them, you think about them, and in the end your subconscious lets you live all of it through a fake reality. as for the same dream you’ve been having, it’s called recurring dreams. you have those when you have some unsolved issues regarding something. whatever you see in your recurring dream is bothering you in real life and it plays in your head again and again to tell you that you need to either let the thing go or to do something to sort it out


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