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My dad is an alcoholic and that results in fights and arguments everyday. We are also not very financially well. I’m doing a job that pays enough for our household and then some, but when my father asks for money, I have to deny him cos that’ll shit will eventually ruin him and our family. and that results in more arguments and fights.
Meanwhile I also have a bad habit of smoking. I feel really bad when I say no to him but then I smoke too. Does that makes me a bad guy that on one side I deny him for money and on the other side I smoke?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chrissie
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chrissie

In my opinion I think that it’s correct that you don’t give him money.But that might not be the easiest solution so I propose that you should talk as a family of the problems you are having and finding solutions and understanding why he is doing it (tip: stay calm when talking)
If that doesn’t work, you got to find a way for him to stop his addiction, maybe pills, putting a limit to his drinking.I understand smoking for you can make you feel more chill or something but try to not consume it daily.I send you a lot of strength.


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