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Bipolar DisorderThought


My chest feels so heavy with all the hyper activity in my brain, I want to free myself of this chaotic mind. I feel dejected and left alone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @spiritualyoda86
Profile picture for Now&Me member @spartan_adictus
5 replies

Does your mental hyperactivity revolve around one topic or not?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @spiritualyoda86

Amod Malvankar @spiritualy...

Brain be stupid and be hyoeractive when we expect calmness

Rishu Patel @rishi345

Yes same

Profile picture for Now&Me member @spartan_adictus

Addy @spartan_adictus

Mind is that part that keeps working constantly 24/7. You are never free. What you can do is find someone to share your thoughts with. Or maybe write those thoughts in a dairy. If you let it out, might help you in calming yourself a little. Hope it helps. Love❤️

Pradeep @pradi_king

Avoid thinking as much as possible… start to feel the life


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