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Anger IssuesThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hello_kitty_

my brother makes me really mad hes always saying how women have no power and how women are weak and that makes me extremely mad ans i just dont knie what to do. He always brings it up even if that’s not the subject we were talking about

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse
Profile picture for Now&Me member @hello_kitty_
13 replies

Women are physically weaker than men. Your brother is right. Whats there to be angry about?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hello_kitty_

as a women i dont like being told that i should belong in a kitchen,being told im weak,that i have no power and that all women only care about makeup but clearly u dont understand that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

bruh stop being such a troll and get out




your are the same person who gets offended when called ugly. But you are ugly right? so we should say that to your face to make you feel bad


Sometimes people show their weakness by hiding it on others. He may have a weakness about not being a stronger person then you. Someone say that a women is not strong it’s a lie… we go through hell and back at every age


Clearly something about you or what you have achieved is making him insecure that he finds the need to point it out repeatedly. He feels inferior so is why he’s taking the trouble to try to make you feel that way. What he wants is a reaction from you. So don’t give him the satisfaction. Once he realises what he says isn’t having any impact on you, he’ll stop.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

i totally understand how you feel, my dad and brother are both lowkey sexist and it bothers me so much. i may not identify as female but i was born that way so i get treated like one and it sucks, i hate stereotypes


sorry you had to go through that. I wish families would support each other more

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

thanks, its ok tho


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My brother does this same thing. He’s 12 so I guess it’s just stuff he hears at school. We get in arguments over it but I keep composure. I usually laugh at him in my mind or even to him and just exit the room. You are powerful and amazing as are women in general. Don’t let it get you down or make you feel weak.


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