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My brother is secretly having an affair with an older woman. What should I do?

I found out that my brother having an affair with an older woman. my brother is 30 i think? I saw her facebook profile and checked everything and also her birthday (1971,dec1). she has a husband and 2 children (son-25+,daughter-32+married). Whatever…

I despise my brother for everything, she maybe fall for him? had a crush on him. you see if any girls talk to me or come to me he criticizes and degrades me in front of them. he has ruined my life all years and controlled me. I don’t like his personality that he has
I even have an older brother(he’s 33 and different and insults my parents secretly, i’m won’t bring up this story) and the one I’m talking about is “middle brother” and me I’m the “younger”(25 too) one whos writing this description.

You know she’s a business owner, CEO and my brother does managing her stuff and he gets pay(i guess). I know him well enough. in he’s room smells like manure he doesn’t chore or clean his room, my mom does and pressures her sometimes. like I said “personality or behavior”.

I’ve found out their activity in messenger and found he had a selfie photo with her, together and one is tape, about he was sucking her vagina like it’s 52secs clip. she sends this tape to him. I don’t know if he was taking those pictures or recording a moment with her phone or his phone
i can’t tell.

maybe he already sends those (her pic+rec clips) with his friends only. his friends aren’t good but stalkers.

i can’t accept his action. I need help with this. i can’t imagine this kind of happened. I can’t accept what he did in my past life. it makes me mad and so sad.

Note: What should I do about it? should I tell her husband or son or daughter about it? or talk to this woman? can i do that?

my parents know him well. he had started this kind of activity in the past 2015.

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