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Domestic AbuseThought


My brother is really jealous of me. He’s younger and I used to think maybe that’s just how siblings feel at times and it would go away. But he’s 17 and he always abuses me. And threatens me, even physically. He is very envious of me, even though I support him in everything. I’ve even written his exams. But he’s always been very insecure and mean. I don’t think he’s mentally stable as he says a lot of things like ‘when I get older, I’ll get a car and run you over with it’. I told my parents about this. But they think it’s nothing serious. Once when we were having a fit he literally ripped my T-shirt. I don’t know what to do

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Yeah talk to your parents seriously about this and get some help for your brother, he seriously need professional help with his anger issues


Your parents might compare him with you.


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