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My breakup was for career, she wants to grow in government job and my job is banking we cannot be together in same house. But we decided to be friends to push each other for career. Now she has found another guy, n here I’m burning. What should I do? To look away?

10 replies
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Thnx man for the support

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Vikas thakur @vikast53

Just accept the present situation and move on . It wont be that easy i know .but once you start dating , looking for new people .you will definately get over it . Remember , if anything related to your ex hurts you ,just delete them from your phone ,and social media as well


I think that’s the only option, i need to ghost out on her need to break my friend promise

Vikas thakur @vikast53

Its almost impossible to be in friendship with ex gf/bf. So a wise person should always prefer be alone or avail next oppotunity rather than noticing your ex life movements


Agreed, but it’s just we wanted to be connected but I think it’s the time for me to go.

Vikas thakur @vikast53

Its not the time for you to go, its time for you to let her go

Will Cruise @rajveer12

She was never yours it was just your turn… Life gives lessons in hard ways…It depends on you wether .you learn a lesson and gain insight and experience and be careful next time …or you just give up on your emotions


Taken a big lesson but yes giving up on emotions also somewhere


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