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My boyfriend of 6 months is now having insecurity issues (after drunkingly kissing another girl on sat) and is now wanting to sit down and talk about MY past. I don’t know how to feel about this. Is he only doing this because he fucked up? I forgave him, one and only time, why is he making a big fuss now. Ugh.

11 replies

These things can be tied to the thoughts and patterns he has formed clear from childhood. If you want to stay or try and help let him know that the only thing that matters is right now. Choosing to dwell on thoughts that bring you together and growing as a couple are very important. Everything in our life is decided by the thoughts we choose to feed. Love is a choice a choice you will make daily. This doesn’t mean there is no struggle in fact it means love is choosing in each moment. I would encourage you to stop and breathe and think about what you REALLY REALLY want its a way to stop thoughts you don’t want. Then after you know what you want take the steps by feeding that thought and choosing steps to follow that. You will get there whether it’s staying in the relationship or walking away for your own happiness. With Love a Friend.


Aww thank you!! This was very helpful. I love him with everything I have, he is my soulmate I swear but I also have never had to work so hard for something in my life. We are only away from one another 2 nights a week and on those nights he gets in his head and starts thinking about all the things I’ve done in my past… I’m 25, there’s not much to tell.


Okay then feed that love and choose patience for now as long as your soul desires to grow with his. Sit down and tell him these things and that all things in the past are irrelevant because in this moment your soul your very being is choosing him because he deserves to be loved. I would also recommend looking up RET (Rapid Eye Technology) it’s a phenomenal therapy method that free’d my mind and soul to be as I truly am. Seek and your soul will bring you both exactly where you dwell within your thoughts. With Love a Friend.


PS This is also true of negative thoughts though that is why it is very important to shift the things we focus on.

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