My boyfriend is feeling that I’m over emotional… and that is the reason he doesn’t want to talk with me anymore
Now he have no feelings about u grl .
I’m feeling it I want to get over it
Get over him*
Just move on…
It’s not that simple na
I know… But I have experienced that there is no other option… Of u need hlp thn I can hlp u
Please do
Send ur user name i will txt u
zephyr @zephyr646
Tbh, that’s really stupid of him.
zephyr @zephyr646
No matter how much you try make him understand, if he doesn’t want to understand, he won’t.
All I can say is, don’t change yourself just because one person in your life wants you to be that way. If others don’t have a problem with this nature of yours, then it’s his things to sort out.
Thanks dear
May be he want to break with you so he is showing it as reason.
May be He doesn’t like to get marry you
Yes I feel it
shubham @shubharvey
He knew that from the start now just a reason to not be with you anymore.
Exactly! I’m getting it now!! I really want to get over him…