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My boyfriend called me names, stupid, degrading my job, and other insulting words because i said i feel so mundane these days and have a fight with him. He said that im not appreciate him enough. Idk. Am i? Im tired from my toxic work place. We are LDR couple. He is not working currently. When i said i feel empty with my life, he said that you want to leave me dont you? If you want to go you can. So i said okay. Cause im not in the mood to fight. And i feel so lost in my relationship. I develop anxious feelings and afraid to say what i want because i dont want him to leave me. But then i apologized 2 days after. I feel so guilty. So so guilty for making him feel that way… after i apologized, he said all those awful things to me. He call me pig, bitch. Tell me to fuck off and so on but i still texting him to apologize and thrn he said okay let see if you can stand with me. Am i being toxic for feeling empty sometimes? I feel like crying out loud.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaluindia
22 replies

Anchal Pundir @aaru901


Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaluindia

Prajapati @shaluindia

Itna lamba kon padta hey bhai


Sorry i dont understand other than english. My english is not good either but this is the only language i can use here.

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Idk why i feel like i am the wrong one. Because i make him feel terrible for saying i feel empty. Sad right? Sometimes he is good, he said that he treats people nice if the person treats him right. It makes me feel like am i not treating him right?

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Im 25 years old. I know this is toxic. I have to find my way out. Please pray for me. My heart broke when he called me names. I feels worthless and disrespected. Thank you for your response whoever you are ❤

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Thank you!!! ❤❤❤

Akhil @ildeception

This is all toxicity at its best, just make sure you aren’t getting manipulated by his emotional energy and sentences. If he’s not in a right position to figure out his life you aren’t responsible. Moreover him calling you out names is the shear sign of immaturity.


Oh now you said about his life. I just remember, he said that i do not help him enough to make him move near me such as finding a job for him. He said that he looking for a job near my place but couldnt find it. And he said im not interested enough to move closer to him while the truth is i have commitment to pay my student loan while he is not so i cant simply quit and find another job near his cities. I need to have enough money first. Im just being manipulated dont i? Haha sad sad life~


I reply to this just now but it under review. Idk why and it didnt appear.

Because i remember when you said abkut his life. He said i didnt seem interested to move to his city, but the truth is i need to secure my financial first because i have commitment and he dont.

Then he also said that i dont seem interested to suggest or find job for him in my city. Thats make me feel more guilty.

Noe that i read the responses i think im being manipulated for so long. Haih

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Lone Ranger @edwin_1

Well , I’m thinking that you should leave him. Because it’s getting toxic ! He done that , he called those things ! It’s not your fault ! I know it’s hard , but if it goes like this , the relationship gets worse and worse everyday;!!


Ya i have to plan my way out. Btw is it normal if we can get a job for 2 to 3 years ? Idk because i have been working since i graduate bsck then.

Lone Ranger @edwin_1

2 - 3 years of what ? I didn’t get that!!!


2 - 3 years can not get a job

Lone Ranger @edwin_1

It’s a problem !! But if he is trying for it then can’t say anything!
If he doesn’t want to go to other jobs then yeah it’s a problem!! Without job - you know right

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