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My boyfriend broke up with me, and said he going to get married as his family wish’s. But still not block me in any social platform or WhatsApp. Why he doing like this.

15 replies

Simple… He “wants the cake and have it too”




Take it from me…he will still go ahead and get married and will stay connected with you after being married - so basically he wants (to enjoy) both ways…
But this may not lead anywhere (at least for u) other than more complications , toxicity etc… At the end of it you deserve a simple straight forward and a peaceful life after such painful breakup…


U can be connected in social media unless it hinders your “letting go” and “moving on” process… if u really think it will slow down ur progress …don’t think twice to just shut down!


I can’t move on. At the same time I don’t want force him to be with me. I can’t let him go. I love him a lot. I can’t imagine someone in his places😭


You are not alone with this feeling when it comes to break ups. But This too shall pass… of course it will take time… nobody is in a hurry… just stay calm since life never fails to give u infinite possibilities… but u just need to be open to changes and absorb it well since u know u are doing the right thing for urself and for ur good! No one or nothing else in this world should stop u from doing good to yourself!


So what’s the next step then if u do not wanna let go and move on? Just be stuck toxic like this? Ur BF will progress with his new life in a ew home a baby career etc…
What’s ur plan for u?


I’m not stuck in my life, I’m doing part time studies… I have plan for how to lead my life. But when it’s come how about next relationships or getting married I’m not able to do. It’s been 1 years not ready for next relationship.


Good u have planned out ur life…! Yes as well more meant the next chapters in relationships in ur life. It will definitely take a lot of time for u to let go and move on and start trusting and investing in another relationship, but take it from me that’s a definite eventuality… so do not worry about the future… just try to work on this one to get away… for now invest yourself in things that u will enjoy doing …be a happy person and for a happy person things can only navigate positively in life… like i told that’s when u recognise there are infinite possibilities. Everything happens for ur good which cannot be comprehended now but as we go we are able to connect the dots when wenlook back… and trust me the timing of ur life for sure will amaze you!!!. I am also grieving a relationship (had been married for 13 yrs) for the past 1.5 years. But I never wanted to consider this a loss in my life since day 1. I took this as an opportunity to work on myself, evolve as a better and stronger person investing on things that I love to do like travelling working out painting learning martial art etc etc… U meet new people u get to see new things in life explore…there is so much nicer to do in life than to grieve over a relationship …come on!.. do not harm your lovely soft soul and heart by doing it… considering all this… u seem stuck in your thoughts in terms of this break up with this person… So go girl… the universe is for u to conquer and rule!! When u are feeling complete /100% with yourself, u will hardly want another person to make u feel complete!


Basically don’t thing about next relationships and sulk…it’s too too early… take the time to heal and work on urself and evolve in such a way that u feel complete with or without anyone!


Bruhh that’s not your fault it’s the damn mf who is bothering you stop it!


You block him and move on there are millions of good guys whom you can give chance so don’t waste your precious time on someone who is selfish!


You block him simple


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