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My boyfriend broke up with me a month ago. I’ve been in love with him for the past 9 years. We’re childhood best friends and now even though after the break up we’re really good friends I’m just broken inside. He broke up with me and I can’t force him to get back with me. I’m broken. I don’t know what to do. I want to say I love you to him. I want to call him and say cheesy things to him. Now all I can do is write I love you and backspace it and it just makes me cry all day.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garunadatsme
5 replies

See it’s just the presence and me.ories of the person . A person can not be your life he can be just a part of your life which made you happy and it’s not like that you cannot live without him , maybe your destiny would have more great chances to you than crying for a person who left you even after 9 years .


He didn’t technically leave me because we’re still best friends but we just started dating last year and before that I had been in love with him


Hello, I totally get you. Trust me,I’ve been through the same. I know how terrible that feels. I just want you to know that time heals. It really does. You will get strong. It can happen in a few months or even take an year. But you will get through. Also, you don’t have to be with someone who is not ready for the commitment. You love him unconditionally & you DESERVE THE SAME. If you’re not getting it back, it’s okay to let it go. As much as you really wanna talk to him, I would suggest you to hold yourself back because, this way, you’ll never ever be able to make yourself stronger or even move on. If he’s the on for you, he’ll get back. Otherwise, you’ll have to step back & stand for yourself coz nobody else will. Lots of positive vibes to you & may you come out stronger!❀️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garunadatsme

I so agree with this.

Take a break and find something to keep you engaged. What would you do if he never came into your life? Let’s just go by the assumption that he’s never coming back in a relationship with you and start picking up your life piece by piece.

Where’s your bag of aspirations? Where are your best friends from school and college? What’s your favorite food that you haven’t eaten in a while?


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