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My boyfriend acts very weird a lot of times.One day he told me that his father (they don’t communicate now) once told him that his grandfather fight in the WorldWar2 and told me that he and another men were intimate with a girl(raped her ) without her consent and she was german and after that they put a inside of her vagina and throwd her from a bridge after that. He said that he is not sure if his father told his real things or if his father is crazy.But his grandfather for sure fought in WorldWar2. And yesterday he send me a photo with Hitler and told me that he likes him.Now,I am questioning his brain and I want to ask here, do you think his story is crazy?i think that he may have bad genetics and thats why maybe he is so aggressive in public …for me his behavior and story about his grandfather is strange that makes me question his mental health…am I right?

5 replies

NO for sure. I think he just love talking about historic things which ends up at time relating with his grandfather as he has mentioned to you before.
There is one more thing that can possibly be that he want to be intimate with you as with growing age urges do rise and he is not able to say it to you directly but by these stories.


Think about your safety and mental, emotional health before anyone else people.

If that was my boyfriend, I would say f**k you and block him.
It might be that he is a sadist 🤷🏻‍♀️ my brain isn’t innocent anymore🤷🏻‍♀️. The graphic details he gave you, and his liking Hitler isn’t going well with me.
It may be that he is interested in doing all that stuff. Or he just genuinely likes Hitler, which honestly gives me creeps.

Confront him, ask him directly what is going on in your mind. Get him help if needs be.


I tried to tell him that he may need help and he told me that I need help and to help myself before helping him…I think he is a crazy person to be honest:)

Kanak @ana02

He is right. Help yourself before helping him F**king block him.
That is what will make your life good.


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