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My birthday is in feb and the worst thing is maybeee my bestfriend will not come cause she’ve alot if new friends and my boyfriend asked me what kind of presents i want and as i am in long distance relationship i dont have anyone here w me maybe i am going to celebrate it w my elder sister only i sometimes feel like i am happy without my bestfriend cause she’ve hurt me alot of times and she even changed her profile ( w her new friends ) j just wanna enjoy my birthday and want it to make the best birthday ever any suggestions pleaseeeeeeeeeee :(

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dukesilver006
Profile picture for Now&Me member @airah
12 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dukesilver006

My ex best friends birthday is also in Feb 😭 We don’t talk anymore (basically my fault totally)
I can gift you instead since I can’t gift that friend 😅


Awww that last line was sweet but you should gift her something maybe she’ll wait for youuu

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dukesilver006

Shit scared to talk again :/


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