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My biggest mistake was making my best friend my boyfriend. In the process i lost a great person.

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🥺oh … it’s okay… even he lost a great person like you… also, it’s not possible to be just friends when you have feelings… so you did what you had to… don’t regret… Hugs… Take care


Yeah! I Heard the same thing from many


Dont you think you can have friendship in a relationship?


Lover can be best friend… But when best friend becomes lover, one should be mentally prepared to lose friendship also when relationship doesn’t work

Chaudhary @shivamhahaha

Why we only conserve I love you to our boyfriend or girlfriend. When you are his friend then also there was that love , respect, trust exist. You both were friends then couple then you realised it’s not working out so what’s a problem to sit together and become great friends again. Love is a amazing thing but it can’t run with everyone who you know. For this you need special one maybe that guy was not the one but that doesn’t mean you lost your true friend.


Who did you lose.


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