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Profile picture for Now&Me member @melody

my bf says that he going japan but i feeling insecure about it
what if he finds another girl
what if he wont have time for me
so confused about how to control these thoughts
can somebody help me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @melody
9 replies

Hey don’t feel insecure even i am in a LDR and it’s working out just fine. you guys can discuss about how you’re both gonna maintain your relationship. Trust me there’s a lot of excitement when you meet after months. And it’s okay to have thoughts which definitely means you care about your relationship. It’s a process. Talk it out with him maybe he’s having insecurity too. Reassure each other. ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @melody

he is going for 5 years
and i dont if his family would accept me or not
i am also worried about that stuff
what should i talk about with him???


Hey ask his plans after those 5 years , are you guys serious enough to get married , when is he planning to tell his family , and if he’s willing to fight for you if his family doesn’t accept you , if he’s ready to handle all of it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @melody

i dont know when we will tell our parents i think he will tel his parents he come back and studies will also complete that year and i will get a job after that i will tell but i dont know how to convince my parents they wont agree i guess…i dont know what to do if they wont agree with me because he is from different caste and i dont like that fact of society also i think i am all messed up


Believe me or not our parents really do wants the best for us and I understand that we all are so scared to talk to them about our relationships but trust me when the time is right they’ll listen but one thing you have to make sure is that your partner is worth taking the risk for. But that really hurts when we try so hard to convince our parents but then also we are not happy …so just give some time

Profile picture for Now&Me member @melody

i know when the time comes parents will understand but my parents behave like i dont even know anything that i am not capable of they only think about their own reputation when it comes to children future like we dont even care for our own i dont know but i guess they will physically torture me when they find that i have boyfriend
but i am sure they wont even try to understand what i will feel at that moment when it comes to my father and mother they both are stubborn thats why i dont know what to do


Well as for now all i can say is this all thing which you are worried about is gonna happen in the future as for now you should think about your relationships current situation, take it step by step. Let’s not be anxious about what’s gonna happen in future and ruin these days? Okay??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @melody

you are right maybe i should be in current situation and enjoy it rather than thinking about it and getting depressed


Yesss! There you go! 😄


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