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My bf prefers to want more space when he is sad or mad when we fight . He doesn’t want to talk about it at the moment but I need to talk it out at the moment to sleep in peace. How do we communicate efficiently to fix this? And I also feel like I’m pushing him away and annoying him whenever we fight .

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Maybe you can give him the space he is needed. Sometimes it fixes the issue automatically


As you have your boundaries, he has his boundaries. You cannot force someone to sort things out immediately. Maybe he’s afraid to say things in anger which he might never mean. We are humans, anybody would be lying if they say “I would never say anything even if I am angry”. Even if somebody might not have anything deep seated for you, they might still end up saying harsh things. Giving him space is the best thing you could do if he has let you know that how he reacts. And talking about you now, I think you have to make peace with this fact that you cannot always solve or sort things out immediately, also sometimes its not possible. You have to believe if not today or tonight we will eventually sort things out, after that you’ll know how much you’re at peace. And even if you don’t sort things out, make yourself believe you’ll still be okay. I am an overthinker myself, so I totally know how it feels


Thank youuu so much. Now I understand. I’ll not cross his boundaries and I’ll give him space




Same girl but I guess giving him his space is important as well.


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