Bakugo Lover12 @myleew
My bf just blocked me and luckily I had him on a group chat and he messaged me and just say lol sorry idk how to feel I’ve Bernd crying for the past hour about it and I didn’t do anything to annoy him I thought he was different yk. I have an ex bsf and apparently he’s cheating on me with her but I have no idea bc he lives 3 hours away… what should I do
Leave him
you should leave him , there no need of such fake people in your life …if you can’t do this then first confront him about all this, what he’s doing , how you are feeling because of all this and then leave him … don’t break up over call …meet and then do whatever you want …you deserve good in your life …when you can love someone , you also deserve someone who’ll love you the way you deserve :)
Bakugo Lover12 @myleew
Ty so much I can’t actually meet him bc his parents don’t like me and he lives in another state but I’m definitely breaking w him
may god bless you <3