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my bf feels and says im a bad partner. Now i feel like he’a losing interest in me each day

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetpie21
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly
16 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetpie21

pie 🥧 @sweetpie21

What are the exact reasons he gave you regarding this?.. Like why he sees you as a bad partner


i guess from seeing things from his view like when we have arguments he tends to be sensitive or voice his opinion on things where im just like okay and bring things he done in the past


he want me to consider his feelings i do but i always feel like he’s keeping things or is the same person doing those hurtful things

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetpie21

pie 🥧 @sweetpie21

First of all at this point maybe he’s right bcoz bringing his past mistakes may help you to keep your points but it will break the relationship. Bcoz humans make mistake and if you repeatedly bring his past… He might push you away in future

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetpie21

pie 🥧 @sweetpie21

Maybe you should talk it out like this time without arguing in a lovely way talk it out… That the reason you argue is bcoz you think that he’s hiding something… Then see where it goes


i’ll try too but it’s the same thing

Aman Garg @mstraye

He should not make you feel you are a bad partner. He may have his reasons behind it but if its small, you guys should talk and sort those issues and if its something non negotiable, maybe take a break or something. I hope it doesnt get toxic.


he feels like its a repeated cycle when it comes to me not being supportive or anything with his financial situation. When i offer all the time He NEVER wants it. he goes and say my money is going to be low i tell him hey im getting paid i’ll let give you some money to hold you til payday


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