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My bf and I’ve been in a relationship for around 7 years now but it has been one hell of a roller coaster. I’m a kind of person who sticks to a person after getting attached to him/ her and this has been the sole problem for me to break up with him. We aren’t compatible at all. We’re never on the same page for absolutely anything. Something that started as a childish romance was fine back then but now it’s affecting me and even him. He’s a kind of guy who has never had anyone sticking with him for so long as I have and so he too doesn’t want to give up on our relationship. But it’s just getting too hard, now that its long distance too, it’s harder. Can someone please advice what can be a solution to this? It’s making my life miserable. Loads of fighting, crying and what not… To be honest, now I feel maybe I’m just too used to him and that’s the only reason I can’t let go.

2 replies

Kiki @kiki

Hey there. At times like , it’s important to not take quick decisions. This is a test of time. The very fact that you guys we’re together for this long, is itself a proof that you guys understand and are adjusting. Having said that, for your current state it’s not right logically to take a quick decision because I am sure, later when you actually think over, damage would have been done. So for the time being the quick solution is to give each other space. It’s not a break up. But more like spending some time for yourself. It is going to be tough. But utilize this time to get to know yourself more, spend time on things you like and above all think over with a peaceful mind slowly about how you can stregthen your relationship rather than giving up on it. Look at the positive sides which attracted you to the same person. Maybe in the process you will figure out that this is just a result of certain undiscussed problems. 
Above all , remember that it’s easy to give up and difficult to put all the strength it’s takes to hold on till the storm passes. Take it as a challenge and hold on. 7 years is definitely not a small time and definitely the person is worthed to hold on to.

Kiki @kiki

Hey there. At times like , it’s important to not take quick decisions. This is a test of time. The very fact that you guys we’re together for this long, is itself a proof that you guys understand and are adjusting. Having said that, for your current state it’s not right logically to take a quick decision because I am sure, later when you actually think over, damage would have been done. So for the time being the quick solution is to give each other space. It’s not a break up. But more like spending some time for yourself. It is going to be tough. But utilize this time to get to know yourself more, spend time on things you like and above all think over with a peaceful mind slowly about how you can stregthen your relationship rather than giving up on it. Look at the positive sides which attracted you to the same person. Maybe in the process you will figure out that this is just a result of certain undiscussed problems. 
Above all , remember that it’s easy to give up and difficult to put all the strength it’s takes to hold on till the storm passes. Take it as a challenge and hold on. 7 years is definitely not a small time and definitely the person is worthed to hold on to.


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