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My bf and I haven’t met from past one year and also can’t meet for a while.
He says because of that he’s doesn’t feel anything for me, no affection or no love. But he doesn’t want to break up but nit sure he loves me or not coz he can’t feel it due to lack of in person contact.
But I still have feelings for him despite being distant from past 1 year. I am not sure, should be with him or not. How can he forget how does it feel like being with me or can show no affection after spending two years in a relationship. Am I wasting my time?

9 replies

See i am the last person you should talking to about relationships. But if i was there in your shoes, i would’ve moved on. Love those who love you back.


Because they’re all just like that. You have to stand up for yourself girl. You are strong, and independent.
With all love.


Definitely 100% leave the relationship.
Or you will regret it in the future. I know I sound blunt but it’s for your own good.
Love can fade due to distance, it is not anybody’s fault but to stay in the relationship when the other person cannot decide if they love you or not is beyond ridiculous.
Lots of love to you. Hope you make the right decision. ❤️


Distance never matters.
If feelings are strong and real.
And if a person is leaving you confused this way just cause of in person contact and is himself confused, then you are wasting your time. He is neither letting you go or is completely with you.
Now that is toxic.
You gotta talk this out with him and if you want to, then maybe give him some time.
But I’m telling you there is no guarantee that this might not happen again.
If i were you, i would have left him. The right one would never make you feel this way just cause of someone distance.
Missing is okay but this is not okay.
Think about it…
Stay strong:)


true, distance doesn’t matters


I talked to him about it and told him what I want from this relationship. I don’t want a relationship in which connection fades away coz of distance. He has to put in efforts to take out this distance thing apart and try to get emotionally closer. If that won’t happen, even if he’ll be front of me, I won’t feel anything for him, at all. For now, he has promised to make efforts to strengthen that connection and leave this thought that if not physically together then there’s no need to put in efforts. I am considering giving him last chance for the feelings I have and the goodness he had.
Shall I go for it?


Yeah. Yes. Go for it.
Look, he wants to try too.
But keep your guard up.
Like there is no surety he wont let it happen again.
So yep.
But stay strong and safe.
And don’t keep giving too much if you aint getting the same back.


Yes I have reached to that point that I can’t give too much anymore, else I’ll loose myself completely.

But thank you so much, it really helped. :)


Thats good gal.


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