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My best friend is having an FWB with a guy, this guy used to be my best friend before, but unfortunately we didn’t went well with each other, as he tried to hit on the girl I used to like, even though he knew that, he’s a people pleaser with the manipulation skills of a psychic. Anyways, my best friend (she) is seeking my validation if her choice of sleeping with this guy is correct! Which I am absolutely against as I think she deserves much more than she think. Although she will ask me for my validation but will still end up doing what she wants! I feel guilty, do y’all have any suggestions?

8 replies

Niara D @niara

Do your part if she is your best friend. Tell it to her straight away whatever is bothering you. Don’t keep things to yourself which you may regret later.


Although, I have told her, she’s very dramatic and end up doing what she likes, after she’s done and the guilt kicks in, then I am the nice guy to listen about her post wrong decision trauma, guilt, regrets.

Niara D @niara

I thinks that’s what friends do. See, I’m not saying whatever you say she’ll follow that. She has her own choices right. The best you can do is make her aware of the bad decision and try and save her, if she falls it will be a learning for her and I believe she’ll be very happy seeing you by her side.

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Yeah, sometimes the best we can do is to just be there, I will stick with her, Thanks for taking your time to reply 🥰

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