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My best friend and I have been friends for, letā€™s say 5 years but we no longer attend the same school. And when we talk itā€™s natural and it feels like nothing has changed. But it has sheā€™s growing as a person and so am I and thereā€™s no issue with that. But my problem is, the last time I talked to her I told her that I felt lonely and had nobody to talk to. And she told me that she was having diner and sheā€™ll be done in about 30 minutes and then weā€™ll talk.So, I waited and waited and waited and finally she didnā€™t message so I went to sleep. And the icing on the cake was the fact that she was online and was posting statusā€™ like she usually does.
What hurts the other is that I always make her a priority and wherever sheā€™s hurting or just needs someone Iā€™m always there and I make sure of that, but I donā€™t feel as if sheā€™s there for me, you know?
And weā€™re even over opposites sheā€™s an extrovert and I prefer to keep to myself. She has billions of friends and I only have a few that call my true friends.
I honestly do not know what to think, but it did hurt and sometimes I feel like Iā€™m dragging her down and sheā€™s only friends with me for the sake of it.
What should I do?

2 replies

I get uā€¦but people are just like thatā€¦telling u to not expect anything is easy ā€¦but I know making it is really hardā€¦but I just want to say that ā€œNo matter how hard you try people always place u where they want to and not where you deserve to beā€ā€¦so if you want to be with her try out but not at the cost of ur peaceā€¦Let goā€¦itā€™s gonna b fine somedayšŸ¤ž


Honestly, unintentionally sometimes we have so many thoughts we forget to call back. Itā€™s true because this has happened with me as well. Itā€™s not because I care less for my friends or family but itā€™s unintentional. Donā€™t let this one incident mar years of your friendship. Focus your energy on things that you like doing. Itā€™ll all fall into place.


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