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My anxiety levels are shooting up and am panicking so badly.
This happens once a day and whenever I am unable to find solutions to my problems or before an exam I didn’t prepare for.
How do I conquer this?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn
8 replies

Start preparing u still have enough time, atleast you won’t regret it later



Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

See your anxiety wont let you score good marks does it?
Do your anxiety bring solution to your problem ?
In most simple terms its good to have a little bit of anxiety as its a human nature to feel a bit anxious when something comes up suddenly but being over anxious unnecessarily brings nothing but make our situation worst…so overthinking about situation or being over anxious doesn’t help us at all…now the question arises what should you can do ?
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF… TRUST YOURSELF AND WORK HARD FOR THE EXAM WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT IT MUCH…JUST FOCUS ON YOURSELF AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF…and about the problems STAY CALM because it will help you to make right decision about the situation…and if something bothers you I’m here for you always ✨


Hey, thank you for commenting 💜
But the thing is that my anxiety doesn’t just shoot up with my upcoming exams, it has other reasons too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

So tell me whats the reason?


First thing, start meditation. It will calm your mind but you have to believe in yourself. Secondly, if you want to solve your problems write it somewhere and analyze calmly how, when and where it all started. It may take a bit time but you will reach the solution. And add some exercise in your daily routine. If you can do all these things then my friend your life will sorted by 50% and rest you write and analyze. Just stick to these things everything will be ok…


Hey, thank you💜
You are such a kind soul, you took some time out to write this much for me, it means a lot.


Its alright buddy. Just be happy don’t think alot. Its just a part of life.


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