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My anxiety is getting triggered by small things… I feel I am on the verge of losing it. I am losing everything dear to me… My life is getting torn up in pieces.

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There’s too much…

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I don’t know how to start… You can ask a random question? I’ll try to answer.

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Can you drop your id?


Wanna talk




Where can I ping?


Been in a similar position


How did you cope up?


Honestly I didn’t do much for the first two months, then I stopped talking with all the people in my life including my dad. My only support was my mom and then she insisted I seek some help from a professional. Eventually I did and it somehow worked.
After a few months (that is recently in September) I started gaining control over myself again. I broke the silence and started apologizing to people and explained my situation and why I behaved or said such things back then. Most of them forgave me but, very few of them stayed, others left saying it is for the benefit of both of us. Well that was one heck of a ride.


The doctor gave me tips like
1. Have a hot water shower half an hour before hitting the bed.
2. When getting anxious breathe in on a count of 4, hold the breath for a count of 4 and release it on a count of 6.
3. Avoid coffee or beverages with caffeine content, it just makes anxiety worse. Instead drink tea, preferably green tea.
4. Go for walks or Jog early in the morning, especially in an area where there dense tree population. Time with nature is a natural healer.
5. Ask someone to hold you hands when you’re getting an anxiety attack. Human touch relieves anxiety as it is a way of physical reassurance.
6. Try to do root cause analysis for things that are making you anxious and address those issues. Most of the time, these issues are silly and solvable.
7. The most important part is to start talking to someone, share your feelings and thoughts racing through your mind. It’s really important to get of the load from your mind because with all that on your mind it would be a never ending loop.


With all these being said, if you wanna share what’s going on with you, you can do so to me. All ears for helping you out.


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