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My 11th started 2 months ago
A week ago i had my first practice NEET exam
And today morning i got my result i found out i just scored 395/720
i feel soo bad…i know i was gonna score bad as i messed up in starting and also in time management…
I got very less marks due to negative markings…
I am very scared…i think i’ll never be able to make it in final neet too…
i just feel demotivated…i guess i should just switch to commerce…i am not made for neet and mbbs…maybe i was just dreaming too high…its way out hard for a average student like me
and still my parents don’t know the score…i don’t know what will happen to me once they know that i scored soo bad…
Idk…i already feel like giving up…its not my cup of tea

1 reply

You don’t need to feel sad or depressed… you got like more than 50% in your first attempt. The conditions are bad outside no offline classes and all… but still you tried your best. Its really good to know that you scored 395 in just 2 months. there is nothing wrong in it. just don’t give up no matter what… just be confident and have faith in yourself… everything will be fine…


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