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Bipolar DisorderThought


Mr. What If’s
I’m sure some of you have already read a little info about my life…
How will they, my family, accept me if I haven’t accept what happened to me 12 years ago? …

How will they accept that I’m a victim of homophobic rape incident? …
It sucks whenever it comes to my mind…
Yes I was abused by my older cousin, he is 10 years older than me, and it keeps on getting into my nerves whenever I see his fucking face…
They knew that he was mentally retarded but they do not know that he is only pretending…

I just wanted to kill him…
This should not happened to me…:C

1 reply

helloo…it is nt your fault that you went through this…when u were small.
u are the victim here nd there is nthng to be ashamed about honestly…
ur family will probably take time to accept wat happened but they will understand in the end…they do love you i m sure and they will continue to do so…
u cannot keep it in you, cnnot be alone with this…it will be better for u…nd that person who did this to u shud be punished…


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